Matted coat

Dog Release Form

Matted coats can cause a variety of skin & health problems. Matted fur does not allow for air circulation to the skin, causing hot spots, bacterial and fungal infections. Fleas, ticks, maggots and other parasites may be lurking in the coat causing further skin infections. Matted fur also pulls and binds, causing pain to your pet when they move or lay on mats. The skin underneath is usually raw and inflamed. Matted coats will not dry properly and can lead to rotting fur and skin.

Due to matting, your dog’s hair may need to be shaved extremely short to the skin and may show signs of skin irritations and sores due to matting, wet undercoat and dirty coat. In order to take care of a dog that has not been groomed often enough, and is matted, the required grooming sessions may be long, stressful, or painful (please note, more than 1 grooming session may be required if your dog is severely matted).

It is the goal of Wagga Doodles to make your pet’s grooming experience as stress free as possible.

Due to the condition of your dog, Wagga Doodles has determined that the only humane thing to do is to shave the dog’s coat down. This is a short clip, removing all the matting. Where feasible, we work to de-mat/brush out the dog’s coat, but only when it would not cause excessive pain and suffering to attempt to do so.

There is a strong chance that your pet’s skin will become irritated during the clipping process. We will use a medicated shampoo to help sooth any irritation that may occur. The matted hair rests tightly against the skin – the only way of removing mats is to use a short blade to clip between the skin and mats. Your dog may be nicked and cut because the groomer has to work so closely to the skin to remove the matted coat. Our groomers are very careful, but the possibility of injury exists. Understanding these risks, Wagga Doodles is authorised to proceed with the de-matting process.

Wagga Doodles will be happy to show you how to care for you pet’s coat so that matting does recur. Please schedule a follow-up appointment to speak with our groomers about the best methods for maintaining your dog’s coat.

I hereby release Wagga Doodles from any liability associated with the above mentioned process and any and all medical problems that may be uncovered and/or occur during the stripping and de-matting process. Should my pet need veterinarian care after or during the process, I agree to pay any and all veterinarian fees.


Our Services

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Bathing with Specialty Shampoos

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Scissoring & Clipping - Styling

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Blow Drying & Brush

Bathing | Ear Cleaning | Nail Clipping